Plasma Master Advanced equipment and technologies for PTA-surfacing Download Brochure
HVOF ID Coating Thermal Spray Gun For Wear Protection Of Internal Pipe Surfaces Our Convertible HVAF and HVOF ID gun is advanced equipment for the deposition of wear resistant tungsten carbide and Hastelloy-type coatings onto internal surfaces of pipes, bends and bores. It is not an extension – it is a high velocity combustion gun with axial powder feed. The Kermetico Convertible ID HVAF +…
Kermetico C6 – High Deposition Efficiency Of HVAF / HVOF Tungsten Carbide Coatings The Kermetico C6 Convertible High Velocity Air-Oxy Fuel Thermal Spray System Key Features Thermal spray powders: 3-20 to 15-30 in HVAF mode, 15-45 to 20-53 microns in HVOF coating mode tungsten carbide powder, chromium carbide powder, pure metals, alloys (from stainless steel to MCrAlY’s) some ceramic coatings Spray rate up to 28 kg/hour…
HVAF | HVOF System For Spraying Metal And Carbide Coatings Onto Large Parts Key Features Of Convertible HVAF And HVOF Systems For Thermal Spray Coating C7 HVAF-HVOF Gun Spray rate – 33+ kg/hour (73+ lbs./hour) Spray powders: 3-20 to 15-30 microns in HVAF system mode, 15-45 to 20-53 microns in HVOF systemmode tungsten carbide chromium carbide pure metals alloys (from stainless steel to MCrAlY)…
Convertible HVAF + HVOF
HVOF Equipment For Sale: Convertible Thermal Spray Coating Systems Kermetico Convertible equipment offers the final solution for the HVAF vs. HVOF discussion. You no longer need to choose between standardized HVOF equipment and our efficient HVAF processes. You can use our Convertible HVAF & HVOF equipment spraying coatings in HVOF mode conforming to legacy HVOF standards or in an HVAF mode depositing higher-quality and…